Star Wars X-Wing: TIE Silencer Expansion Pack

Star Wars X-Wing: TIE Silencer Expansion Pack



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Model:  FFGSWX68
X-Wing:  1st Edition
Faction:  First Order

  Customer Reviews 

Engineered for speed and incredible handling, the TIE silencer is devastating in the hands of those who can unlock its full potential. Lesser pilots, however, are often overwhelmed and unable to maintain control of the nimble craft. Fortunately for the First Order, the TIE Silencer Expansion Pack for X-Wing™ pairs its sleek and menacing, pre-painted miniature starfighter with a quartet of talented pilots, including the dark side Force user Kylo Ren. Additionally, you’ll find twelve upgrade cards, one condition card, a maneuver dial, and all the plastic and tokens you need to launch this lethal fighter into action!

This is not a complete game experience. A copy of the X-Wing Miniatures Game Core Set is required to play. This is a first edition ship which is intended for X-Wing 1st Edition. To play with X-Wing 2nd edition you will need the appropriate conversion kit - Note not all ships currently have a conversion kit. Please email us if you are unsure or need clarification.

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