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Star Wars: Rebellion

The Year's Must-Have Star Wars Board Game 

If you love Star Wars, and you like board games, Star Wars: Rebellion is a must-have purchase. No other board game comes close to its blend of epic, large-scale conflict and cinematic personality.  The game is fun, it is truly epic, and it is distinctly Star Wars.

And now try the Rise of the Empire expansion for Star Wars: Rebellion inspired largely by Rogue One. And just as the movie provided new insight into the Galactic Civil War presented in the original Star Wars trilogy, Rise of the Empire adds new depth and story to your Rebellion game experience.

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Star Wars Rebellion

Star Wars Rebellion£99.99   £79.99

  In stock
Star Wars Rebellion: Rise of the Empire Expansion

Star Wars Rebellion: Rise of the Empire Expansion£36.99   £31.52

  No stock, more on order

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"Star Wars: Rebellion works because it nails that unmistakable Star Wars feeling, in which pulp action meets sci-fi grandeur, and larger-than-life heroes play out their relationships against a galactic backdrop." – Game Informer

"Star Wars: Rebellion is beautiful, it’s big, it’s tense, it’s interesting, and it is unquestionably Star Wars in a box. And perhaps most importantly, it’s just really fun." – Shut Up & Sit Down 

"One of the biggest board games in Star Wars history." – Polygon

"This was a grand slam from Fantasy Flight. They are doing the Star Wars IP much justice. Very well done." – The Dice Tower

"If you like Star Wars, or are looking for an interesting game to play with one or more of your friends, this has got to go on your list." – Geek & Sundry