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Force and Destiny

The Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ Beginner Game is the perfect entry into the Star Wars: Force and Destiny role-playing experience for players of all skill levels.

With its complete, learn-as-you-go adventure, players can open the box, ignite their lightsabers, and explore their destinies as Force users in the Star Wars galaxy. Pre-generated character folios keep the rules right at your fingertips, while custom dice and an exciting narrative gameplay system advance your story with every roll.

Set during the height of the Galactic Civil War, after the destruction of the Jedi Order, the Force and Destiny Beginner Game contains everything three to five players need to begin exploring the mysteries of the Force.

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Star Wars: Collapse of the Republic (slightly dented corner)

Star Wars: Collapse of the Republic (slightly dented corner)£33.99   £31.99

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Force & Destiny: Chronicles of the Gatekeeper

Force & Destiny: Chronicles of the Gatekeeper£24.99   £20.48

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Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion

Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion£33.99   £24.99

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Star Wars Roleplay Dice

Star Wars Roleplay Dice£14.99

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Starships and Speeders: The Essential Collection of Vehicles

Starships and Speeders: The Essential Collection of Vehicles

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What Is Force and Destiny? 

Force and Destiny is the third of three standalone, but fully cross-compatible role-playing systems. Like both Edge of the Empire™ and Age of Rebellion™, Force and Destiny introduces a unique dimension of the Star Wars role-play experience, and its core mechanics are fully interchangeable with the other systems. Players and GMs can use these materials separately or combine them as they see fit in order to carve out a unique, custom role-playing experience.

The Beginner Game for Force and Destiny thrusts players into the midst of a daring rescue mission as Force users who have managed to find each other after the fall of the Jedi Order. With pre-generated characters, an abridged rulebook, and a learn-as-you-play adventure, the Force and Destiny Beginner Game is the perfect Force-focused entry point into the Star Wars role-playing experience.

A Complete, Learn-As-You-Go Adventure 

With plenty of opportunities for combat, social encounters, moral conflict, and more, the included adventure, Mountaintop Rescue, teaches the fundamentals of Force and Destiny as you play! High up the snow-clad slopes of Mount Tellec on the Outer Rim planet Spintir, you and your allies must travel to an ancient temple and rescue the humble scholar Hethan Romund, one of the few individuals still willing to share any knowledge of the fallen Jedi Order.

Important game mechanics are introduced incrementally as part of the growing narrative. If you need a quick reference during play, simply consult the included perfect-bound rulebook, which includes everything you need to develop your own adventures.

Brave Force-Sensitive Characters

New to sensing and using the Force, the characters of the Force and Destiny Beginner Game are ready to fearlessly confront whatever lies ahead of them. Representing four different species and Careers, these characters also hail from very different backgrounds: a quiet monastery, a large rural family, the solitude of the Outer Rim wilderness, brutal slavery. They each bring to the adventure a unique personality, specialised skills, and Force Powers. 

Full-colour character folios not only provide the characteristics, skills, and background for each character, but also provide charts that make using those skills and planning your next move easy to do. Within the character folios you’ll also find options for advancing your character, such as new talents to acquire and ways to upgrade your Force Powers.

Only the Beginning

In addition to what you’ll find in the Force and Destiny Beginner Game Box, you can also download two more character folios and another adventure from the Force and Destiny mini site. The Lure of the Lost adventure picks up at the moment where Mountaintop Rescue leaves off. It opens up locations throughout the planet Spintir, pits players against fearsome new adversaries, and promises to reveal incredible secrets about the Force.

Your Destiny Awaits 

Whether you’re new to role-playing games or an experienced Game Master eager to run the Force and Destiny system for the first time, the Force and Destiny Beginner Game offers you an easy an exciting entry to role-playing games in the immense and iconic Star Wars universe. Pick up your copy of the Force and Destiny Beginner Game today!