Imperial Assault: Jabba’s Realm Expansion

Imperial Assault: Jabba’s Realm Expansion



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  (1 Review)

Model:  FFGSWI32

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Imperial Assault Core Game is required to play this expansion.

  Customer Reviews 

Imperial reprisals have swept the galaxy, targeting not just the Rebels, but their families and loved ones as well. In desperation, you and a team of other Rebel operatives have gathered as many refugees as you can in hopes of shepherding them to safety in the Outer Rim. Your escape is discovered, however, and you’ve been shot down on Tatooine. Here, the power of the Empire is not as strong as elsewhere—but that doesn’t mean you’re out of danger. This is the domain of Jabba the Hutt, and you’ll need to play by his rules if you want to survive.

Jabba’s Realm is a new expansion for Imperial Assault that offers a wealth of new content for your campaigns and skirmishes. You’ll find an entirely new full-length campaign that challenges you to survive among the desert wastes and criminal underworld of Tatooine, even as new skirmish missions invite you to battle in the Nal Hutta Borderlands or around the fabled Pit of Carkoon. 

Eighteen new double-sided map tiles evoke the opening scenes of Return of the Jedi, giving you access for the first time to Jabba’s palace, his pleasure barge, and iconic locations like the sarlacc pit. Meanwhile, sixteen brand-new plastic figures offer new warriors and heroes for the Imperials, Rebels, and Mercenaries, even as new Command cards, Deployment cards, Agenda cards, and Class cards give you countless ways to customise your game. With characters like Jabba the Hutt, the Rancor, and Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Knight joining the game, this expansion draws you into the Star Wars saga like never before.

Your games of Imperial Assault gain an entirely new, full-length campaign with the addition of Jabba’s Realm, challenging a brave team of Rebel heroes to survive after they’re shot down on Tatooine. These heroes will soon learn that Jabba the Hutt may be willing to protect you from Imperial forces, but his protection comes at a price. You and your fellow heroes will need to decide just how far you’re willing to go in the service of an underhanded crime lord.

Three new heroes join the Rebellion in this expansion, each ready to fight the Empire in their own unique way. Shyla Varad is a Mandalorian warrior, renowned for her skill with blade and whip, and eager to practice her warrior traditions against the Empire. Vinto Hreeda, on the other hand, is a reckless vigilante and gunslinger—an expert sharpshooter who has plenty of grudges to bear against the Empire. Finally, the Rebels gain the allegiance of Onar Koma, a hulking Aqualish bodyguard with an almost unmatched strength in battle. The Imperial player will need to work his hardest to take out three heroes as well-equipped as these.

You’d expect the Mercenaries of the galaxy to hold a strong foothold on a planet like Tatooine, and you wouldn’t be wrong—there are twelve new Deployment cards belonging to the Mercenaries faction in the Jabba’s Realm expansion. You may launch raids with Weequay Pirates, defend your holdings with Gamorrean Guards, or unleash the ferocity of a Rancor as you scheme behind the scenes with Jabba the Hutt. What’s more, although the three new heroes from Jabba’s Realm are Rebel-aligned during a campaign, their skirmish versions belong solely to the Mercenaries faction!

Naturally, there’s an Imperial detachment on Tatooine as well, and most recently, they’ve chosen to equip their Stormtroopers with jet packs. A new figure group— Jet Troopers —joins the Imperial faction in Jabba’s Realm. These fast and mobile warriors are experts at darting in for an attack and blasting away out of range, so Imperial commanders on Tatooine are sure to take advantage of these unique Troopers.

The new Command cards introduced in Jabba’s Realm also provide an exceptional starting point for customising your skirmish strike team and gaining the upper hand in a tense battle of wits against another player. For instance, with On the Lam, you can interrupt your opponent’s attack to perform a move with your figure, potentially running out of range or ducking behind some protective cover! Either way, it’ll be much more difficult for your opponent to land a successful shot while you have On the Lam at your disposal.

With four brand-new skirmish missions on two distinct maps, including two missions that support up to four players, your skirmish games enter an entirely new range with a host of new figures, missions, maps, and Command cards.

Box Contents:

  • 3 x Hero Figures (Shyla Varad, Vinto Hreeda, Onar Koma)
  • 4 x Jet Trooper Figures with 8 x Pegs
  • 1 x Rancor Figure
  • 4 x Weequay Pirate Figures
  • 4 x Gamorrean Guard Figures
  • 20 x Deployment Cards
  • 11 x Story Mission Cards
  • 4 x Side Mission Cards
  • 9 x Item Cards
  • 2 x Companion Cards
  • 4 x Reward Cards
  • 3 x Supply Cards
  • 4 x Skirmish Mission Cards
  • 27 x Hero Class Cards
  • 6 x Agenda Cards
  • 19 x Imperial Class Cards
  • 10 x Command Cards
  • 3 x Hero Sheets
  • 8 x Condition Cards
  • 18 x Map Tiles
  • 4 x Bounty Tokens
  • 6 x Ally and Villain Tokens
  • 10 x Condition Tokens
  • 8 x ID Tokens
  • 24 x ID Stickers
  • 1 x Skirmish Map Sheet
  • 1 x Rulebook

Suggested Miniatures

If you prefer to play with the proper miniatures, rather than the character tokens, the following separately available miniature packs are suggested for this expansion:

  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Captain Terro
  • Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight
  • Alliance Rangers

Average Rating (1 Review):  
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Great Expansion
03 March 2021  | 

Great expansion adding new hero's and villains. New tiles and cards.

New Co op campaign via the app, new 1 many standard campaign and skirmish maps.

Excellent price, delivery and packaging.

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

Average Rating (1 Review):  
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Great Expansion
03 March 2021  | 

Great expansion adding new hero's and villains. New tiles and cards.

New Co op campaign via the app, new 1 many standard campaign and skirmish maps.

Excellent price, delivery and packaging.

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

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