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Star Wars Legion

21 January 2020  |  Captain Rex

We now have these in stock, ready to go for the official release date of Friday 24th January. [read more]

21 January 2020  |  Captain Rex

We now have these in stock, ready to go for the official release date of Friday 24th January. [read more]

21 January 2020  |  Captain Rex

We now have these in stock, ready to go for the official release date of Friday 24th January. [read more]

21 January 2020  |  Captain Rex

We now have these in stock, ready to go for the official release date of Friday 24th January. [read more]

11 November 2019  |  Captain Rex
News: Star Wars Legion Clone Wars Restock Date Rumours

When Clone Wars was finally released we sold a lot of pre-order and our remaining stock lasted about a week after launch before running out... [read more]

9 November 2019  |  Gold Leader
News: Count Dooku Commander Expansion Release Date

UK release date announced - and it's way sooner than expected!  [read more]

7 November 2019  |  Gold Leader
News: Clone Captain Rex Commander Expansion Release Date

UK release date announced - and it's way sooner than expected!  [read more]

22 August 2019  |  Captain Rex
Update - Star Wars Legion: Imperial Shoretroopers Unit UK Launch Date (SWL41)

Pre-Release item new release date

The Imperial Shoretroopers Unit Expansion for Star Wars Legion was delayed, but the new UK release date has been announced...[read more]

18 August 2019  |  Gold Leader
New Product Announcement - Star Wars Legion: Imperial Stormtroopers Upgrade (SWL52)

Due Q4 2019

A ubiquitous sight across the galaxy, white-armoured stormtroopers strike fear into the hearts of all those who would oppose the Empire... [read more]

16 August 2019  |  Gold Leader
New Product Announcement - Star Wars Legion: Phase I Clone Troopers Upgrade (SWL55)

Due Q4 2019

Well this caused a bit of confusion when it was announced, "Wait isn't there already a Phase I Clone Troopers Expansion???"...[read more]

Page 3 of 5    (44 Posts)
Dark Star Games - The UK's best pricing on the Star Wars Legion miniature game

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